A British and Chinese-based design firm called AT Design Office has developed a concept for an incredible floating city of the future as a sustainable alternative to land-based cities in order to meet the demands of our ever burgeoning global population.
AT Design Office was commissioned by the Chinese construction firm CCCC to design this futuristic ocean city that would be built using the same technologies used to produce a 31 mile long bridge that connects Hong Kong, Macau and Zhuhai. “Part of that bridge is an underwater tunnel, which is joined by a 150-meter-long precast concrete box,” said architect Slavomir Siska. “The mega box is cast on a nearby island and floated to site before being connected. We were appointed to work with the engineer to come up with a masterplan for a 10-square-kilometer floating island that can be built with the same technology.”
The floating city is comprised of hexagonal modules that have both underwater and above water layers. The aim of the project is to be as green as possible; the main modes of transport around the island will be submarines through interwoven canals and electric cars. The city will have a large dock for big ships so that the island remains well connected with the outside world. The dream is that in the future, numerous floating cities will exist that are arranged in interconnected clusters.
With sustainability in mind, the team has included vertical farms and fish hatcheries in the plans so that food can be produced on the island. The floating city will also be fitted with trash disposal and recycling systems that will deal with waste in an environmentally friendly manner.
If you fancy paying the island a visit, it will even have an underwater hotel and huge amusement complex. It transpires that one of China’s largest property investors is actually in the process of reviewing the proposal with plans to trial this project next year, albeit on a smaller scale.